Hospitality & Leisure is our thing...

I recently negotiated the purchase of a motel and, in doing so, needed to secure a substantial level of funding. Having previously battled with lending organisations I was prepared for the “Hard Yards” and had resigned myself to endless questions, volumes of paperwork, a mountain of stress and all the things that spring to ones imagination when tackling such a project.
I was, of course, conscious of the services offered by organisations such as Podium but had no idea how simple and painless it could really be. After completing a simple “Information Form” the process simply flowed. Podium stood beside me all the way to the settlement of my purchase and I was pleasantly surprised by how little I had to do.
As a Licensed Real Estate Agent and Director of a Business Brokerage I usually adopt a fairly low profile when asked to make recommendations however I have no problems at all in suggesting Podium Financial Services as a hassle free, one stop Financial Services Provider.